Interviews by In-depth Research of IT Firms Tue, 08 Nov 2022 13:27:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Interview with Amit Mehta – CEO & Director, ACE Infoway Tue, 08 Nov 2022 13:27:24 +0000 Here is the exclusive interview of Amit Mehta – CEO & Director, Ace Infoway only on ITFirms. He shared his insights on upcoming technology trends for 2022-23 and many more things in this interview. Let’s check his success story and views. 1. Tell us in brief about your company and the leadership. Ace Infoway is […]

The post Interview with Amit Mehta – CEO & Director, ACE Infoway appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

Here is the exclusive interview of Amit Mehta – CEO & Director, Ace Infoway only on ITFirms. He shared his insights on upcoming technology trends for 2022-23 and many more things in this interview.

Let’s check his success story and views.

1. Tell us in brief about your company and the leadership.

Ace Infoway is an expert technology & growth partner that helps organizations navigate complex digital business transformations and change, through innovative technology solutions. We have been in business for 22 years and have seen the changing landscape of technology and have built a team with a wealth of professional experience, and accumulated best practices along with young and passionate developers. Our fluid & agile approach has helped us in on-boarding contrast clientele globally of both enterprise and start-up levels. We have built our niche in diverse industries namely publishing, e-commerce, promotional products, architecture & construction. We have worked alongside some of the world’s leading publishers and brands. We’re constantly working to stay ahead of the curve so that we can provide our clients with the best solutions delivered with a delightful experience.

2. How would you describe your growth trajectory in 2021? Any particular achievement? Any disappointment?

We had a great year in 2021 thanks to the growth of e-commerce, web & mobile, and CAD services. Demand for these services saw a huge surge, and we were able to keep up with it by expanding our team and investing in new technology. The results were far more impressive if I compare them with the last 3 to 4 years, and we’re looking forward to seeing even more growth in the years ahead. Thanks to our continued growth, we’re well-positioned to take on even more challenging projects in the near future.

The biggest challenge rather than disappointment triggered by the pandemic of which we can still see the repercussions is the great resignation that took over the world, especially it hit hard to the IT sector. The industry was swamped by attrition and employee turnover however, we were able to modulate this phenomenon with alternative measures and engagement models and registered a growth of more than 40-50%.

3. Please describe the operational structure of your company- from the moment a client walks in, to the product deployment.

Our organization has had a flat operational structure for years now which has always worked for us since authority and decision-making functions are placed among the workforce. The biggest value that comes out of it is that the customer requirement is expedited and the TAT is shortened remarkably.

Any client on-boarding kick starts with getting a grasp of the client’s business and a deeper understanding by gaining a 360-degree view of various factors such as industry, competitors, business needs, challenges, and more. Based on this analysis project needs are defined and a detailed scope of work is documented.

Next comes identifying the required skill set to deliver on the needs and finalize the right engagement model. The project then moves to the development phase along with a timeline and schedule for delivery.

Now here at the heart of the entire onboarding and delivery process is one special ingredient as we call it – customer experience. We put a lot of emphasis on this critical success factor throughout our organization. Proactive updates about the progress until the final release are provided to the client on a regular basis. This helps build trust and transparency forging long-term partnerships.

4. What engagement models do you offer? How should a client choose?

We offer 3 engagement models:

Fixed price project – The client can choose this model when he has a predetermined budget and a plan. Moreover, it works well for small and medium-scope projects which run on fixed timelines and schedules with minimum risk.

Long-term FTE /dedicated – is suitable when the client is looking for a large team or specific skill sets which includes, developers, project managers, quality analysts, DevOps, and more. The primary benefit of this model is the client can easily scale up and down the team size as per requirement.

Monthly packages – is for our digital services which call for long-term engagement in order to drive results or deliver on the objectives defined while onboarding a client. Here the service is delivered over a period of time and always tied with objectives, KPIs, and goals.

5. What do you as a leader prioritizes- vertical expansion of your business or the horizontal expansion of your expertise and services? How do you balance both?

We started with web and mobile development and gradually our service portfolio branched out to eCommerce & Architectural CAD services which formed our 3 major verticals. From there we have been continuously focused on increasing our presence in existing markets and hence vertical expansion is probably a better bet for us. This involves diversifying our service & product offerings, expanding into related services, or becoming a one-stop-shop for all our customers’ needs.

As we continue to grow and profit vertically, horizontal expansion becomes consequential to enhance our position within the industry and get an edge over the competition.

6. What is your outlook for 2022-23?

2022-23 is shaping up to be a challenging year for many businesses. Money flow is expected to tighten as major economies grapple with inflation, interest rate hike, and stoppage of VC funding. But there are still opportunities out there for genuine, savvy, and experienced entrepreneurs. Those who are able to weather the storm and adapt to the changes will find that there are still plenty of opportunities for growth and expansion. The key is to identify those areas where you can cut costs without compromising on quality and focus on your core strengths.

For many businesses, that might mean downsizing in certain areas or streamlining operations. Others may need to invest in new technologies or processes to stay ahead of the competition.

So, my outlook for 2022-23 is cautiously optimistic. While it may be a challenge, I believe there will be opportunities for those who are prepared. Those with nimble business models and strong balance sheets should be able to weather the storm relatively well.

7. Any particular technology or industry you would be targeting? How do you plan to prepare your workforce for the upcoming technology upgrade?

Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Voice recognition, and their applications are the future and are advancing at a breakneck speed. The only method to be ready for that future is through constant learning and development.

1. In-house training: Develop internal training materials and programs that employees can use to brush up on new technologies as needed. This could include things like e-learning modules, video tutorials, practice tests, and so on.

2. External training: Take advantage of external education resources, such as online courses, conferences, and webinars. Make sure employees are aware of these opportunities and encourage them to grow in their roles and enhance their skills.

3. Finally, we get them involved in customer projects as much as possible. This works really well as it creates concrete learning opportunities so that they can gain first-hand experience with the new technologies.

8. With technologies like NFT, Crypto, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) that can be used for both web applications and mobile apps, how do you envision the development methodology to be in the future?

Technologies like NFT, Crypto, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) will continue to foster the growth of the web & mobile app industry.

These technologies will play one of the key roles when it comes to a new approach to solving old problems and will change the way websites and mobile apps are created.

One possibility is that development will become more streamlined and focused on meeting user needs and ensuring functionality. Another possibility is that development will become more decentralized, with different developers working on different aspects of the technology. It’s also possible that a hybrid approach will emerge, with some elements of centralization and some elements of decentralization. Basically, it’s hard to predict exactly how development will progress, but it will likely be dictated by the demands of users and the overall direction of the industry.

9. Other than technical expertise, what traits you believe are essential for any software development firm to succeed in this rapidly evolving industry?

There are a few key traits that we believe are essential for success. First, speed is key. In today’s fast-paced world, businesses need to be able to move quickly in order to stay ahead of the competition. Second, strong processes are essential in ensuring that tasks are completed efficiently and effectively. Third, flexibility is important in being able to adapt to changing conditions or unforeseen circumstances and quickly adjust to shifting requirements in a fast-paced and constantly changing market. Finally, customer responsiveness is critical because your customers expect timely service and attention.

Of course, technical expertise is still important and will continue to be so. But these other traits will become increasingly important as we move into the future. Building a strong foundation with these traits will help you succeed no matter what the challenges may be.

10. How do you assess the role of research agencies like IT Firms in bridging the gap between clients and service providers?

Research agencies like ITFirms definitely play a critical and important role in facilitating communication and collaboration between clients and service providers. Business partnerships go through a lot of due diligence and rating and reviews have a huge impact on the vetting process. Our presence on ITFirms has helped us in gaining that trust from clients before they come to the discussion table.

Ace Infoway  Ace Infoway

The post Interview with Amit Mehta – CEO & Director, ACE Infoway appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

Interview with Ganesh Verma – Founder & Director, MoogleLabs Wed, 14 Sep 2022 13:56:27 +0000 Here is the exclusive interview of Ganesh Verma – Founder, MoogleLabs only on ITFirms. He shared his insights on upcoming technology trends for 2022 and many more things in this interview. Let’s check his success story and views. 1. Tell us in brief about your company and the leadership. I founded MoogleLabs with the vision […]

The post Interview with Ganesh Verma – Founder & Director, MoogleLabs appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

Here is the exclusive interview of Ganesh Verma – Founder, MoogleLabs only on ITFirms. He shared his insights on upcoming technology trends for 2022 and many more things in this interview.

Let’s check his success story and views.

1. Tell us in brief about your company and the leadership.

I founded MoogleLabs with the vision of providing services that leverage the latest technology. The aim here is simple: I want my business to help our clients remain one step ahead in innovation so that they never lag behind their competitors while creating opportunities for them to move ahead of their competitors and become industry leaders.

I believe that the most effective method of running an organization is through an amalgamation of three different leadership approaches, which are affiliative, democratic, and pacesetting approach. The orthodox method of authoritarian leadership will eradicate my team members’ individuality and creativity.

Also, I have found that a democratic and pacesetting approach helps me get more productivity from every employee. And, isn’t that every employer’s dream?

2. What is your company’s culture? What does MoogleLabs stand up for?

I believe that we practice an Adhocracy culture for the most part. At MoogleLabs, we have always stood for innovation, which means we must encourage our employees to take risks. Each executive is an entrepreneur or innovator who wants to help our business grow in every aspect. Also, we strongly believe in keeping a common goal and doing our best as part of a team to reach the goal.

MoogleLabs stands for innovation and collaboration. Our culture and practices ensure better results. Moreover, as a company that works in DevOps solutions, we are continuously looking for ways to streamline our operations for faster product delivery.

3. How would you describe your growth trajectory in 2021? Any particular achievement? Any disappointment?

2021 was an excellent year for MoogleLabs. As a startup, the only way forward is up. But, by leveraging the latest technologies, like AI/ML, DevOps, Blockchain, and Data Analytics, we have been able to create a profitable venture in the next to no time.

Overall, it has been an excellent year for us. As a startup, we have already accumulated several accolades from various review sites and business analysts. As for disappointment, there aren’t any. I do always want everything to be better, though. But I do not count that as a disappointment.

4. Please describe the operational structure of your company- from the moment a client walks in, to the product deployment.

We follow a 7-step journey for every product deployment.

We start with understanding the client’s needs. You can consider it to be the discovery phase. Here, we talk to the clients about every need, extracting information like their business goals and objectives. Moreover, we consider other functional and non-functional requirements. Our business analysts will use the data to create bespoke solutions for you.

Once we understand the needs and have the pricing on lockdown, we sign a contract. Here, we get to the planning stage. This stage includes determining the scope of work, project budget and deliverables, and delivery dates.

For privacy and confidentiality, we sign the NDA form.

Then, we start working on the projects. It includes executing the plan and offering custom solutions for clients’ needs. During this period, we send weekly reports to keep our clients up-to-date with the latest changes in the project. Here, the client can offer feedback and introduce changes we can make to the project.

With DevOps practices in play, we are simultaneously working on testing and quality assurance of the code. Only after we purge every technical issue do we deploy the code.

Once we are sure that the project meets our client’s requirements, it is time for the product launch. However, that is not the end of the collaboration with our clients.

We also offer ongoing development of the platform as per market changes. Moreover, we provide maintenance services for the project.

5. What engagement models do you offer? How should a client choose?

We offer a bespoke engagement model for all our clients. Though, we like to discuss the needs of every prospect before laying down the conditions for work and creating a mutually beneficial relationship.

We do offer a fixed-price model and an hourly model to our clients. The fixed price model works well if the deliverables are easy to quantify. But, for more service-centric solutions, we work on an hourly basis.

6. What do you as a leader prioritizes- vertical expansion of your business or the horizontal expansion of your expertise and services? How do you balance both?

Currently, MoogleLabs is focusing on the horizontal expansion of the business. We want to include more experts in the latest technologies in our team. It will help us serve our clients. And frankly, the way I see it, horizontal expansion is the precursor of vertical expansion.

I would like to maintain a balance between the two. It is the only way to ensure my teammates get the best guidance while delivering the best products for our clients.

In the future, I would like to maintain a strict ratio between vertical and horizontal expansion for better management.

7. What is your outlook for 2022?

As a company focused on AI/ML services, DevOps, Data Analytics, Metaverse, Blockchain, and Web 3.0, and started in the Lockdown, I understood the volatile nature of the market quite well.

2022 wasn’t any different. We always have prioritized client satisfaction with our work and plan on continuing the same. Moreover, MoogleLabs has benefited from word-of-mouth and our other marketing efforts, so we have several projects in the pipeline.

Overall, 2022 has helped us maintain our company’s upward growth trend. My plans for the remaining months include more work and expansion in more technologies to assist our clients in providing a better customer experience.

For the next year, I would like to expand my organization and take it to new heights.

8. Any particular technology or industry you would be targeting? How do you plan to prepare your workforce for the upcoming technology upgrade?

AI/ML is the future. It is only a matter of time before every aspect of our lives uses these technologies to serve us better. Web 3.0 is here, and that also relies on these technologies to get results. Hence, we will continue to focus on them. As an IT professional, who strongly believes that change is the only way to survive, I want my team to stay updated on the latest technologies coming into play. We try to determine the parts of developments in the IT industry that can help us and stand the test of time. Then, we can apply our resources to learn about the latest technology and its applications.

Also, at MoogleLabs, we offer our employees the option to take lectures. They can get reimbursement for the fee of the course. It helps our employees update their skill set while working for the company.

9. You are the founder of MoogleLabs for more than twenty years now, can you please share some interesting stories, experiences, and projects that you are proud of?

I have been working with Seasia for the past two decades, and MoogleLabs is a new venture that started in the middle of lockdown 2020. Now, it is over two years since its inception, and frankly, it has been amazing. I have gotten the experience of working with bright minds who take on challenges with ease. As for projects, I believe I am proud of many of our creations. But, the most recent one that comes to mind is a recommendation system for skincare. The product creates personalized recommendations for skincare ingredients based on your input about skin texture, color, problems, etc. It is an excellent machine learning application that my team and I are proud to create.

10. Other than technical expertise, what traits you believe are essential for any software development firm to succeed in this rapidly evolving industry?

I strongly believe in the importance of technical expertise, but staying relevant requires a thirst for knowledge, especially in the IT industry. So, people who are willing to learn more are the only ones who will survive in this agency. Other than that, keeping a helpful personality and being approachable are desirable traits. Companies that stick to their deadlines have an open line of communication with their clients, do not overpromise, or underdeliver are the ones that get positive reviews and referrals.

11. How do you assess the role of research agencies like IT Firms in bridging the gap between clients and service providers?

Research agencies are vital for the IT industry, as it is the section that bridges the gap between service providers and clients. Companies like yours are responsible for helping clients find the most suitable IT agency to meet their needs.

MoogleLabs appreciates the opportunity to work with such agencies that are helping clients become more aware and guide them in the right direction.

MoogleLabs  MoogleLabs

The post Interview with Ganesh Verma – Founder & Director, MoogleLabs appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

Interview with Paul Okhrem – Co-founder, Elogic Commerce Wed, 08 Jun 2022 08:18:32 +0000 Here is the exclusive interview of Paul Okhrem – Co-founder, Elogic Commerce only on ITFirms. He shared his insights on upcoming technology trends for 2022 and many more things in this interview. Let’s check his success story and views. 1. Tell us in brief about your company and the leadership. Elogic Commerce is a full-cycle […]

The post Interview with Paul Okhrem – Co-founder, Elogic Commerce appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

Here is the exclusive interview of Paul Okhrem – Co-founder, Elogic Commerce only on ITFirms. He shared his insights on upcoming technology trends for 2022 and many more things in this interview.

Let’s check his success story and views.

1. Tell us in brief about your company and the leadership.

Elogic Commerce is a full-cycle ecommerce development agency helping retailers build, optimize, and design their online stores. Leveraging its expertise in Adobe Commerce (aka Magento), BigCommerce, and Shopify Plus development, the company has served 150+ customers across North America, Europe, Australia, and MENA region. Our seasoned team consists of over 100 ecommerce consultants ready to tackle projects of any size, ecommerce model, or operational domain.

Our mission is to deliver solutions that become an essential part of our client’s success. Be it for a complex integration, migration project, or mere ecommerce consultation, we strive to create a valid tech product for e-retailers to keep growing and increasing their ROI.

2. How would you describe your growth trajectory in 2021? Any particular achievement? Any disappointment?

2021 was a great year for Elogic Commerce. We forged new strategic partnerships with such leading ecommerce solutions as commercetools and Sales Layer as well as added Shopify and BigCommerce development to our services. Our team increased by 50% in comparison with 2020. Our SEO rankings got a significant boost too, so any internet wanderer looking for the best Magento development company can now find Elogic in top search results.

3. Please describe the operational structure of your company from the moment a client walks in, to the product deployment.

All projects at Elogic start with a deep discovery phase. We set a kick-off call with a client, gather functional and non-functional requirements for the future store, and identify their business needs and objectives. The BA team analyzes the obtained data and advises on the best tech solution for a client. Our goal is never to complete the project; instead, we invest in finding the right solution to a client’s problem and helping them reach their business objectives.

Once the contract is signed, we proceed to the planning stage of the project development. The client gets a detailed ecommerce website scope of work, organized deliverables in a work breakdown structure (WBS), and a clear project budget and timeline. The risk mitigation form is prepared at this stage as well, so our client stays informed of the potential risks and ways to overcome them.

We also sign the NDA to protect the privacy and confidentiality of our client’s business details.

After agreeing on every nitty-gritty detail of the project, the client proceeds to the implementation stage of the project. A custom design is being developed and presented with all prototypes and wireframes. Store features are customized and/or built from scratch. Third-party systems and modules are integrated. The process is never chaotic but rather iterative. The client receives a comprehensive report once a fortnight; each development sprint ends with a demo where a client can introduce changes and provide feedback on the deliverables.

Before code deployment, the project goes through the testing and quality assurance phase. Our vetted engineers test the website for bugs and fix all technical inconsistencies. They also ensure that the final ecommerce website meets your initial business objectives and requirements.

Finally, project launch! After all the testing and fixes, the ecommerce website is released, and online shoppers can successfully place orders and complete purchases on the website. But our collaboration doesn’t end there.

The solution implementation is only the beginning of the journey followed by ongoing development and store maintenance. That’s when we analyze real customer shopping behavior and take all the necessary measures to improve store functionality and increase conversions.

4. What engagement models do you offer? How should a client choose?

We offer two engagement models: hybrid (per phase/project) and time & material (per hour). The client can choose based on their own preference.

It should be noted that the hybrid engagement model is most common for design and development projects (like building an ecommerce website from scratch or replatforming/migration projects). The time & material model is a popular choice for such services as ecommerce developers for hire, ecommerce consulting, and ecommerce support and maintenance.

5. What do you as a leader prioritize: – the vertical expansion of your business or the horizontal expansion of your expertise and services? How do you balance both?

Both. Horizontal: Elogic already holds a 100% ecommerce focus, and we continue expanding our service offerings in this industry from design, development, and optimization to ecommerce consulting. We also build on our expertise in other complex tech integrations and diversify the selection of ecommerce platforms to meet our potential clients’ needs, especially in the enterprise sector.

Vertical: We want to cement our position on the global market and build a tangible, solid presence in the American, European, and Middle East markets. My ambition is to open a few delivery centers around the world and, thus, reinforce the goal of Elogic becoming the biggest ecommerce development agency globally.

6. What is your outlook for 2022?

2022 began with a scenario that was hard to predict or even plan for. Over years, we have built an extensive network of delivery centers across East Europe and now, some of our team members were closer to the war than we might have imagined. Our management team had to respond immediately, ensuring the safety of our staff and top team performance, like we always do. It was surely not an easy task, but we emerged stronger than ever.

Despite the unfortunate beginning of 2022, I am quite positive in my outlook for the rest of the year. We plan to focus on company growth and service & client diversification. We are actively integrating ecommerce strategy consulting in our service offerings, and our clients can already sign up for it on a time & material basis. I am also thrilled to announce that we shall add a Salesforce unit to our company and meet the increasing market demand for this ecommerce sector. Our team puts an extra effort to recruit and retain seasoned software engineers and offers only A-players to augment our clients’ staff to achieve their business objectives.

The Elogic Academy will also undergo several transformations, including the updates to the study program, added gamification of the courses, and new ways to improve the results of the graduates and retain them after the internship. We will create value in the dedicated teams we offer for outstaff: the clients shall come to us not for human resources but for unmatched quality services.

7. Any particular technology or industry you would be targeting? How do you plan to prepare your workforce for the upcoming technology upgrade?

Elogic Commerce is a full-cycle ecommerce development agency, and we will continue focusing our efforts on this industry. The company primarily sprang from Magento (aka Adobe Commerce) development but is now deepening its expertise in other ecommerce platforms, including but not limited to Shopify, BigCommerce, Salesforce, and commercetools.

We welcome software engineers from all walks of life (or should I say, walks of ecommerce development) and encourage them to hone their skills. In fact, the company offers a Magento internship program, where my colleagues and I are mentoring future front-end and back-end developers and offer the possibility of employment to those who successfully complete the course.

8. The market is filled with multiple eCommerce development platforms; which one do you think is the best?

I have always been a fan of scalable and composable ecommerce platforms. But the choice of a specific solution should depend on the size and ambition of the business itself. For instance, at Elogic, we differentiate between platforms for mid-level to enterprise companies (such as Adobe Commerce, Salesforce Commerce Cloud, and commercetools) and for small to mid-sized businesses (Shopify, BigCommerce, etc.).

B2B platforms deserve special attention too. They might be quite scarce, but I always recommend BigCommerce for small merchants and Magento for mid-sized and enterprise-level stores. Magento has everything a mid-size to enterprise company might wish for. And I can vouch for its stable performance and speed if a merchant takes good care of it and follows coding best practices.

9. Other than technical expertise, what traits do you believe are essential for any app development firm to succeed in this rapidly evolving industry?

It’s hard to stand out from the immense competition with only expertise. Our job at Elogic is to provide our clients with a smooth, pleasant customer experience — just like the one they want to see for their customers.

Our competitive advantage rests on two more pillars except for deep technical expertise: deep dive into the client’s business needs and transparent project management.

First, we take a vested interest in one’s business vision, objectives, and requirements and ensure we gather all the required info during the discovery phase of the project. It’s thanks to the comprehensive and individual approach to each merchant that we strive to exceed our clients’ expectations (and in 92% of all cases in 2021, we did!).

Second, we understand that time and money are some of the most valuable resources in project development, so we take responsibility for optimizing it. No overhead costs. No missed deadlines. No ambiguity in the project deliverables. Our clients always stay informed on the project updates and get answers when there are questions — on time.

10. How do you assess the role of research agencies like ITFirms in bridging the gap between clients and service providers?

B2B clients go through a complex cycle of sales, including numerous review platforms to discover the right vendor for their needs. ITFirms is one of them bridging the gap between companies looking for tech partners and the top-rated agencies providing development services.

Research agencies help clients sift through the best in a large pool of tech companies, and I truly appreciate that ITFirms lists Elogic among the top ecommerce development agencies.

Elogic Commerce  Elogic Commerce

The post Interview with Paul Okhrem – Co-founder, Elogic Commerce appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

Interview with Alex Schedrov – CEO, Five Jars Thu, 14 Apr 2022 12:01:05 +0000 Here is the exclusive interview of Alex Schedrov – CEO, Five Jars only on ITFirms. He shared his insights on upcoming technology trends for 2022 and many more things in this interview. Let’s check his success story and views. 1. Tell us in brief about your company and the leadership. Five Jars is an international […]

The post Interview with Alex Schedrov – CEO, Five Jars appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

Here is the exclusive interview of Alex Schedrov – CEO, Five Jars only on ITFirms. He shared his insights on upcoming technology trends for 2022 and many more things in this interview.

Let’s check his success story and views.

1. Tell us in brief about your company and the leadership.

Five Jars is an international Drupal, Web Development, Web Design, and Strategy company led by leaders with 10+ years of experience serving mid to enterprise clients in health & fitness, media, art & culture and NGO markets.

2. How would you describe your growth trajectory in 2021? Any particular achievement? Any disappointment?

2021 was a successful year for the company, we can say about the following achievements:

  • Increased team by 50% in comparison to 2020;
  • Increased revenue by 30% in comparison to 2020;
  • We successfully improved many processes and created dedicated marketing and sales teams;
  • We opened offices in New York and Los Angeles and now can meet our clients there;
  • Average clients retention becomes 3.5 years;
  • Launched more than 15 new projects for our customers from the USA;
  • Started to work with Fortune 100 clients from the USA;
  • Built strategic partnerships with such companies as, ActiveNet, TractionRec.

3. Please describe the operational structure of your company from the moment a client walks in, to the product deployment.

At the very beginning, we are having several calls with our client to clarify the scope of the project, as well as the time frame and budgetary constraints. Our sales and analyst teams understand that the customer can change the scope of work after this introduction call. Moreover, after a successful first meeting, discussions of the preliminary project requirements begin. Our team prepares after every call, a preliminary estimate of the project timeline and budget. After each call with the client, we go back to the documentation and make changes to create the most accurate estimate for the specific project. Our team implements the following steps after the successful signing of the contract:

  • Strategy. Our team delves deep into our client’s industry and plans a solution that will help them reach your next business goal.
  • Design. Designers create an intuitive and highly user-friendly design for your web application.
  • Development. We build your product using cutting-edge technologies so that users would have a high-quality web experience.
  • QA. We test that the final solution works and looks awesome on all kinds of devices: desktop, mobile, and tablet.
  • Release. We do everything necessary to deploy the website for users and content managers.
  • Maintenance. After the release, we will allocate members of the team to monitor the application and address any issues.

4. What engagement models do you offer? How should a client choose?

We organize our work using Agile & Scrum and provide regular status calls/reports for customers and allow in our practice Fixed Price as well as T&M. The Fix Price model revolves around careful planning and the definition of milestones in sequential order before the actual development starts. It is best suited for projects with a clear execution plan, an abundance of project documentation and a carefully defined roadmap.

The T&M method does not throw a client into unpredictability, as it might seem. Although there is no fixed final amount in the contract Five Jars still provides a client with an estimate of the hours of work required to complete the project. Detailed terms of cooperation and penalties in case of violation will be specified in the contract. Our team values T&M for the flexibility and transparency of the payment method.

The selection of the correct pricing is directly related to the selection of the development methodology and must be consistent with the requirements and objectives of the project, as well as the overall costs incurred by the developer.

5. What do you as a leader prioritize: – the vertical expansion of your business or the horizontal expansion of your expertise and services? How do you balance both?

Our main development tool Drupal is great for certain industries (such as non-profit, art and music, culture, health and fitness, etc.) and this allows us to focus on studying them. Our team started as development experts, and now we have become full-fledged partners and consultants who understand the specifics of industries and business tasks as well as clients.

6. What is your outlook for 2022?

This year started for Five Jars with the war, so we had to adjust some of our strategic plans. Part of our team is located in Ukraine, so the main priority now is their safety, as well as business performance in a force majeure. We have developed a management system that allows us not to lose productivity (link to post).

Our focus is on the growth and diversification of our industries, clients, and services. We aim to shift the work volume by bringing more clients from the Nonprofit, Education, Art & Culture, Media, Enterprise, and Health & Fitness industries focusing on long-term collaboration. We will extend the sales and marketing team and launch new outreach campaigns and sales processes. As a part of the diversification process, we’ll build a tangible, solid presence of Five Jars Corp in the United States. We aim to build a friendly and warm work environment with perks, benefits, and financial incentives we deserve. Alongside, we want to invest in education and events. “Created by Five Jars” has to become a synonym for “High-quality product”. “I work in Five Jars” has to become a synonym for “I have the work of my dream”. Five Jars is among the world’s best international Digital Agencies and Products Creators.

7. Any particular technology or industry you would be targeting? How do you plan to prepare your workforce for the upcoming technology upgrade?

The Five Jars team grew out of specialized conferences of the Drupal community, so we continue to be active participants in events such as DrupalCon and DrupalCamp. Moreover, if any employee from a developer to a manager wants to expand his skills, we are ready to pay for his training, as well as sponsor the relevant communities. Five Jars developers are core contributors to the Drupal and JavaScript community as we believe that collaborating with other developers not only creates the most favourable environment but also fosters the technology stack itself to become as efficient as possible. We are convinced that collaborating publicly allows us to demonstrate and showcase our expertise while also testing our solutions through an open community. While not every project is born to become a publicly available repository, we are proud to give back to the Drupal and JavaScript community.

8. With technologies like React and Node that can be used for both web applications and mobile apps, how do you envision the development methodology to be in the future?

We all can see a strong movement towards getting things unified as much as possible. These technologies definitely get us closer to a more efficient way of developing applications when a single code base defines everything: web apps, mobile apps, apps for TVs, API. It makes the whole presence ready quicker, more consistent, and more affordable. You won’t need a big team of people specialized in different technologies. It’s beneficial for developers too. Now with a strong Javascript basis you have opened doors to different platforms and learning mobile development is easier if you have had experience in the web and vice versa. It implies finding a developer is easier, and growing talents is cheaper.

9. Other than technical expertise, what traits do you believe are essential for any app development firm to succeed in this rapidly evolving industry?

Empathic – we look at each problem through the eyes of the customer and try to create solutions that help clients reach their goals. Results-driven – we produce solutions that give real, measurable results. Transparent – when working with us, you know exactly where your money goes. We organize our work using Agile & Scrum and provide regular status calls/reports for customers. Responsive – we’re on 24/7. If anything happens, one of our representatives will be available to help you solve the issue or answer the inquiry.

10. How do you assess the role of research agencies like ITFirms in bridging the gap between clients and service providers?

The B2B sector has a long deal cycle and deep research of contractors, so being in the ratings and being highly rated by experts is very important. ITFirms is one of the most mentioned resources by our clients, and we are very pleased to be part of the ITFirms ranking.

Five Jars  Five Jars

The post Interview with Alex Schedrov – CEO, Five Jars appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

Interview with Deepak Mandy – Owner, Work4You Fri, 01 Oct 2021 11:44:19 +0000 Here is the exclusive interview of Deepak Mandy – Owner, Work4You only on ITFirms. He shared his insights on upcoming technology trends for 2021 and many more things in this interview. Let’s check his success story and thoughts. 1. Tell us in brief about your company and the leadership. Work4you is an IT company that […]

The post Interview with Deepak Mandy – Owner, Work4You appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

Here is the exclusive interview of Deepak Mandy – Owner, Work4You only on ITFirms. He shared his insights on upcoming technology trends for 2021 and many more things in this interview.

Let’s check his success story and thoughts.

1. Tell us in brief about your company and the leadership.

Work4you is an IT company that works mainly on CRM solution services powered by AI and ML. To add to this, we are also into customer support, BPOs, and KPOs. We are an experienced company and have witnessed the trends of the IT industry first-hand. We understand the changing customer requirements and how dynamic they are.

I, Deepak Mandy, am an entrepreneur and a social worker who loves to indulge in activities that nurture personal growth. I believe in cultivating a community of productivity and goodwill. I also believe that taking risks and tackling unprecedented problems are a part and parcel of any entrepreneur’s life.

Apart from Work4you, I am also a business consultant and a growth leader. I have established several global businesses with a strong presence in various nations – Australia, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Canada, India and Philippines and am always looking forward to more challenges and opportunities.

2. How would you describe your growth trajectory in 2020? Any particular achievement? Any disappointment?

2020 was a pandemic-stricken year but at Work4you, we took it as an opportunity to restructure ourselves in a more streamlined manner. We adopted the industry’s best practices. We also realized the importance of a digital solution in any field. Technology, if used in the right way, can transform lives. We are witness to how intelligent healthcare has been the driving force during the pandemic. Our greatest achievement in 2020 has been to become more aligned with how the world is moving forward.

I would say that the most disappointing part of the year was the lack of physical contact. Working from our homes was necessary but not meeting my colleagues and my teammates was not a feeling I would like to experience again. But then again, we learnt so much about ourselves during this period of isolation.

3. Please describe the operational structure of your company from the moment a client walks in, to the product deployment.

Our development model is agile in every manner. From the initial moment, we develop a constant back-and-forth with the customer. Feedback and several iterations is the key to our success actually. We move in a chronological manner and like to understand requirements fully before jumping to any development phase. Our process is modular and as transparent as can be.

4. What engagement models do you offer? How should a client choose?

When it comes to offering services to our customers, we believe in delivering the very best we can. The times we work in, bespoke customer requirements are gaining momentum and we, as service providers and product designers, need to be ready to cater to these requirements. Our engagement models are flexible enough to accommodate all the industries we operate in. To make things simpler, however, they can be roughly divided into major parts:

Delivery-oriented: Wherein we understand the customers’ requirements, document the scope of work, and deliver them in one go or in iterations as the circumstances demand. The delivery model is mostly fueled by our hardworking internal team, our effective price ranges, and the feedback of the customer.

Partner-oriented: Wherein we look to collaborate with another person or organisation along common grounds to achieve positive results that are beneficial for both the parties. This model aims to nurture budding entrepreneurs and create a conducive environment for businesses to grow.

5. What do you as a leader prioritize: – the vertical expansion of your business or the horizontal expansion of your expertise and services? How do you balance both?

While we look to gain new grounds and spread ourselves across more industries, serving existing customers and targeting our original market is very important as well. Whether we prioritize horizontal growth or vertical growth is a question of circumstances. We adapt to whatever is better from our standpoint and adopt strategies to complement that. Having said this, once we focus on a particular direction does not imply that we ignore the other altogether. It is all about allocating resources in such a way that the sum output is greater than the individual output.

Our focus, at the moment, is more inclined towards a horizontal growth. We aim to enter new markets and explore different strategies.

6. What is your outlook for 2021?

After the pandemic, more and more companies are switching from an offline approach and transforming themselves digitally. At Work4you, we are committed to making this transition easier for our customers. With the drastic shift to the online media, Work4you is constantly churning out positive solutions for the market. The demand for better IT services are at an all-time high and we have systems and processes in place to deliver the best quality of service. Customers are hungry for more business and our AI-powered CRMs are helping them get the most out of leads. The company is dedicated to work for a positive change in 2021 and for the future. As always, we look to expand across more industries on a global scale keeping in mind the aforementioned business model. Looking at how things stand at the moment, we are positive that this goal is more realistic than ever. Even our name, Work4you naturally implies a customer-oriented outlook from our part.

7. Any particular technology or industry you would be targeting? How do you plan to prepare your workforce for the upcoming technology upgrade?

AI and ML seem to be great catalysts for increasing the quality of customer engagement and interaction. To add to this, they can also be used to develop prediction models for our organization. I would say that these two, coupled together can be a dynamic duo.

We look to explore more and gather data points relevant to our industry. At the end of the day, data is the new oil. AI/ML can only function if they have the right data to work with. Prediction models or customer engagements both depend on the aforementioned. Our organization, across all the industries we work in, understands this importance. Consequently, our operation processes are becoming more and more data-oriented.

8. With technologies like React and Node that can be used for both web applications and mobile apps, how do you envision the development methodology to be in the future?

React and Node are both based on Javascript. When the client-side scripting language was first introduced, no one could fathom the rate at which it could grow. Now we see Javascript on our servers as well (in the form of NodeJs). This is why instead of speaking about React or Node, I like to maintain my focus on the origin of these two. And things are only going to get better for it. As of now, we see a hybrid development model that can be used to develop both web apps and mobile apps. But this is not it. We are moving towards a universal solution; a one-for-all kind of development methodology.

9. Other than technical expertise, what traits do you believe are essential for any app development firm to succeed in this rapidly evolving industry?

Apple is a leading example of how a successful application is developed. From its nascent stages, its pioneer, Steve Jobs dedicated more time and energy to design rather than functionality. To make up for it, well-designed marketing strategies were implemented to bolster it. So I would say that besides technical aspects, marketing and design are the two main things to keep in mind while designing an application. As aforementioned, customer-oriented business models are on the rise and design plays an integral role in it. User experience and user interface are crucial. If the design aspect of any product fails; a product as simple as a revolving door, can backfire on the manufacturer. I also recommend ‘The Design of Everyday Things’ by Don Norman, a well-written compilation of how user experience is a paramount factor in deciding the success of any product.

10. How do you assess the role of research agencies like ITFirms in bridging the gap between clients and service providers?

To nurture and harness a community of like-minded and progressive individuals is very important and agencies like ITFirms are doing just that. It is crucial to have a bi-directional communication flow between the organization and the customer. ITFirms is a wonderful platform, a sort of ‘social media’ where entrepreneurs and existing businesses can keep themselves updated with everything, business.

Work4You  Work4You

The post Interview with Deepak Mandy – Owner, Work4You appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

Interview with Yashu Kapila – CEO, BugRaptors Mon, 13 Sep 2021 11:08:45 +0000 Here is the exclusive interview of Yashu Kapila – CEO, BugRaptors only on ITFirms. She shared her insights on upcoming technology trends for 2021 and many more things in this interview. Let’s check his success story and thoughts. 1. Tell us in brief about your company and the leadership. BugRaptors is a division of the […]

The post Interview with Yashu Kapila – CEO, BugRaptors appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

Here is the exclusive interview of Yashu Kapila – CEO, BugRaptors only on ITFirms. She shared her insights on upcoming technology trends for 2021 and many more things in this interview.

Let’s check his success story and thoughts.

1. Tell us in brief about your company and the leadership.

BugRaptors is a division of the Seasia Group of Companies. It is one of the leading software testing companies established in March 2016 in Mohali, India, with a mission to be the worldwide famous leader of QA solutions and software testing services.

It is also renowned as a third-party testing service provider globally to offer specialized automation testing, test advisory services, independent quality engineering, and domain-based QA services to banking, healthcare, e-commerce, real estate, and other industries.

With strong experienced leadership line of our CTO’s, VP’s and Analysts, we have setup a criterion to refine our processes supported with review process at each solutions and service delivery. To support this, we have a technology advancement team to keep us in-lined all the time. With advanced test lab equipped with 200+ physical devices and 250+ certified professionals, we also built a range of products/frameworks named Moboraptors and Swift to give quality and accuracy at a fast pace, to our customers with huge benefits in terms of cost and time.

2. How would you describe your growth trajectory in 2020? Any particular achievement? Any disappointment?

BugRaptors has experienced significant growth in automation testing services because we use the most advanced tech tools such as Selenium, Cucumber, Appium, Robotium, Katalon, SoapUi,Jmeter, Jenkins, and many other automation-based platforms that give benefits like improved accuracy, reduced business expenses, faster development and delivery experience, high-app quality and performance. Also, it helps in eliminating human errors. We witness a surge in sales in the rising 2020, but even after the COVID-19 pandemic, we try to keep up with the services well. Unsurprisingly, we manage every action on the track. Our team worked hard and delivered the services on time so that the customer won’t lag anywhere.

Even in 2021, we came up with much stronger and much better plans. Our improved and modified automation testing approach helps us minimize the manual efforts and speed up the entire testing process while resolving an enterprise’s requirements. It even boosts our confidence to deliver the quick time-to-market with the market’s best quality software product.

3. Please describe the operational structure of your company from the moment a client walks in, to the product deployment.

BugRaptors has a team of ISTQB and equivalent testing professionals who work around the clock to maintain the software testing domain’s de-facto standard. They have lean thinking, DevOps, and agile best practices to support the latest and current software testing trends.

Look knowing that our customers are satisfied with our service is what we considered a business success. Only the satisfaction rate can further decide the likelihood to return for a new project by the client and his recommendation to others. So, we give our best to create meaningful experiences for the customers that start with the very moments the clients walk in.

Well, every company has different operational structures and different rules and responsibilities that they manage according to their project’s lengths and distributed it into their various teams.

Rest we can’t be transparent at the time of sharing our detailed operational structure with you, but we can give a bit overview about how the operational structure of any software testing company looks like. For smaller projects, usually, companies include development managers and testers. In this structure, the project activities are very well managed under the control of the development manager. Both testing teams and development teams take the initiative for meetings and conduct several scrum sessions with the development manager to understand the customer’s project requirements and reduce the communication gap. They decide particular deadlines for projects and collaborate with all team members, including stakeholders in real-time. Apart from that, the development manager ensures that the projects will be completed successfully and take a guarantee to help customers get the quality software.

Similarly, large-scale companies involve various operational structure members, from project managers, test managers/test leads, testers, and development managers to programmers/developers. All of them have different testing capabilities, independence, skills, and experience to give their best for test-related activities. Whether there is one product or two or more, there are so many components include in testing teams. In order to provide greater accountability or consistency, each component can be created and tested by different groups. Moreover, effective test automation strategies and many results-driven approaches can be considered while working in the operational structure.

One thing you can understand that the operational structure of every software company can vary from each other, but the objective behind maintaining this structure is to reduce defects from the product early as possible and gain an excellent experience in all aspects of the life cycle. It even helps us provide on-time delivery to customers and keep them ahead of the crowd.

4. What engagement models do you offer? How should a client choose?

The growing trend of customization gives us a command to get ready our clients’ engagement models in an interactive way and supports us to develop effective strategies that further help our customers engage with us more authentically throughout their entire buying journey. It even allows us to maintain transparency and loyal relationships with them.

We represent our engagement models by keeping operational flexibility in mind and each model have an enormous impact. Let me just start with it.

Team – We have a flexible team size with a dedicated pool of resources to give our consumers the best of both worlds – a great combination of engineering and business.

  • Dedicated pool of resources assigned to you
  • Flexible team size
  • Test lead assigned for all communication & team management
  • Seamless knowledge transfer among team members
  • Client controlled testing environment

Material – We have a strategic material model in which we analyze the testing scope and help our clients choose the right testing partner, tools, and architecture to scale their product.

  • Well defined scope analysis
  • Client confirms the final team members
  • Task progress and testing process analysis on daily basis
  • Detailed time sheets released to client weekly/monthly

Price – This model was built in detail to let customer know the cost based on testing efforts, techniques, custom features and generates an invoice on the basis of milestones.

  • Scope is very well defined
  • Detailed project analysis
  • Testing efforts & costs estimation
  • Direct influence of team expertise over costs
  • Milestone wise invoice generation

5. What do you as a leader prioritize: – the vertical expansion of your business or the horizontal expansion of your expertise and services? How do you balance both?

Being a leader in the QA and software testing company, we focus on prioritizing both the expansion models as they offer us lucrative benefits. For example, the reason to consider a horizontal expansion model in our business is that it allows us to access a larger customer base and boost our revenue. Using the vertical expansion model is the necessity to help our clients compete in the digital world when they get their products/software/application on-time from us. It is also beneficial for managing all aspects of business operations without the involvement of third parties, and when it comes to reducing the overall cost and increasing the profit, vertical expansion becomes the right fit for us.

6. What is your outlook for 2021?

It is projected that 2021 is a year of exceptional development. In the age of digital transformation, customer requirements are changing continuously. People trust us, and we guarantee to fulfill the new technological and personal business needs of our customers. Apart from technical advancements, we are planning to expand our business and take it to another plus level while catering to our employees much better. We already follow gender equality in our workforces or premises. Still, after evaluating important traits in female leaders such as honesty, determination, confidence, emotional intelligence, collaboration, or inspiring leadership qualities, now we want to nurture our corporate culture by increasing 50% more females in our workforce.

7. What is the difference between quality assurance (QA), quality control (QC), and software testing?

Quality assurance aims to eliminate defects, whereas the quality control objective is to find and fix the defects. Companies promise to provide quality assurance in the software development life cycle. However, quality control is done in the software testing life cycle.

It is necessary to perform quality assurance before quality control which requires the involvement of various team members in the company. In contrast, the testing team can fulfill the needs of quality control alone. Quality Control is a reactive method, while Quality Assurance is proactive. QA ensures to the customer that whatever the quality you demand, your application will provide you without any hassle. Infact, quality assurance is a step or procedure that concentrates on satisfying quality requirements. On the flip side, software testing is the process of verifying the application under test (AUT). It confirms that the actual software product will fulfill the customer’s expected requirements and assure them to provide them defect-free solutions. It can be done either manually or using automation, depending upon the product’s specification. Its purpose is to find gaps and errors as early as possible in the software to deliver a reliable, high-performance, and fully-secured software product. Both quality control and quality assurance can be successfully achieved with software testing.

8. Why should companies invest in QA platforms instead of hiring a QA team?

The reason companies should invest in QA platforms instead of hiring more QA team members is the delivery speed, time saving-capabilities, 70% of automation test activities and 30% of manual activities, reusability, early bug detection, distributed test execution, early & robust reporting, 24/7 test implementation capacity, quality assurance, affordability, and many more services that one can acquire with the utmost ease.

But, without experienced QA teams, QA platforms are nothing because these are the just way to accelerate a company’s digital transformation journey. QA test automation platforms definitely ensure to give higher test coverage, better insights, improved accuracy, faster feedback cycle, reusability of the test suite, or even minimize business expenses. Yet, when it comes to providing all such benefits to customers, the companies have to hire a QA team at their workplace because they are the ones who put too much effort and do hard labor to make the software better but get no or little recognition.

9. Providing 100% accuracy is one of the most significant challenges that QA organizations face. How should industry leaders ensure accuracy and provide faster results at the same time?

Quality is remembered for a longer period, but the price of the product can be forgotten. To ensure 100% accuracy and provide faster results simultaneously, industry leaders should have the power of AI (Artificial Intelligence), Agile, and DevOps to shape the future of business and give the customers desirable results. One must have a testing center of excellence, knowledge of implementing the best possible software testing methodologies and applications, and modern software testing labs to guarantee digital assurance, quality engineering, and quality assurance. With a focused testing approach, one can not only give accuracy while testing but also ensure to enhance time to market and ROI.

10. Any particular technology or industry you would be targeting? How do you plan to prepare your workforce for the upcoming technology upgrade?

Well, the success of the new technology project depends upon three factors – the people, the process, and the technology itself. Moreover, the latest technology requires the techniques, skills, knowledge, experience, and methods used to produce goods and services. BugRaptors experts are proficient in the current innovations and have access to device labs which they utilize properly to learn and implement new technologies on the customer’s projects.

The latest technologies that can transform the global economy in upcoming years are Virtual and Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Mobile Internet, Cloud Technology, Advanced Robotics, Internet of Things, and Blockchain. We already have domain expertise for these technologies and even offering IoT (Internet of Things) and blockchain testing services, cloud testing services, AI & ML testing services as specialized QA services to our customers. IoT, Cloud Computing, AI, and Blockchain are our major targets for the future. Apart from that, if there is any new change introduced in these technologies, our tech specialists follow the four-step approach (plan, design, implement, and support), which they always consider while keeping our customers ahead of their competition. Besides, we almost cover all industries domain to target, such as e-commerce, startups, retail, Fintech, insurance, healthcare, real estate, telecommunication, media, and utilities.

11. Other than technical expertise, what traits you believe are essential for any quality assurance/ software testing firm to succeed in this rapidly evolving industry?

Other than technical experience, there are some very important traits like effective communication, fast and quick learning ability, strong requirement understanding, time management, adaptability, productivity, passion, creativity, analytical skills, automation proficiency, DevOps awareness, positive attitude, product understanding, leadership, culture, and the right mix of resources that help the software testing firm create a win-win situation in the rapidly evolving industry with quality assurance.

12. How do you assess the role of research agencies like ITFirms in bridging the gap between clients and service providers?

I think ITFirms like asset is the most demanded need of the end-users. You keep a very close look over the stats and well research the companies. This is really appreciable that you give a chance and then recognize the true emerging market. Businesses and the end-users rely on you like firms, so that they don’t need to hustle anymore and bridge the robust gap between client and service providers.

BugRaptors  BugRaptors

The post Interview with Yashu Kapila – CEO, BugRaptors appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

Interview with Konstantin Klyagin – Founder, Redwerk Mon, 09 Aug 2021 11:39:24 +0000 Here is the exclusive interview of Konstantin Klyagin – Founder, Redwerk only on ITFirms. He shared his insights on upcoming technology trends for 2021 and many more things in this interview. Let’s check his success story and thoughts. 1. Tell us in brief about your company and the leadership. I founded Redwerk in 2005 when […]

The post Interview with Konstantin Klyagin – Founder, Redwerk appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

Here is the exclusive interview of Konstantin Klyagin – Founder, Redwerk only on ITFirms. He shared his insights on upcoming technology trends for 2021 and many more things in this interview.

Let’s check his success story and thoughts.

1. Tell us in brief about your company and the leadership.

I founded Redwerk in 2005 when I was still a software engineer at Nokia. With only three of us in the team, Redwerk has grown to an independent software development agency with two R&D offices in Ukraine, now home to over 70 IT experts.

We started off pretty big, closing deals with big names like Siemens, Universal Music, and Merrimac. The latter company used to produce the hardware for NASA rovers.

Over the years, we’ve narrowed down our vision, and now we specialize in SaaS development and maintenance. Our latest big client win is the acquisition of Mass Movement, for whom we developed custom ERP, IMS, and two enterprise apps, by J.B.Hunt, an absolute leader in transportation and logistics across North America.

As for leadership, our structure is horizontal, meaning we have very few bosses and nurture accountability, initiativeness, and a sense of independence in every single employee.

2. How would you describe your growth trajectory in 2020? Any particular achievement? Any disappointment?

Being a digital and remote-first agency has definitely helped to survive the turbulent 2020 without heavy losses. Even the most conservative of businesses have finally started thinking of reducing their technical debt, speeding up their digital transformation, and migrating to the cloud.

On the other hand, as a service agency, our success is often determined by the success of our clients, and here it all boils down to the industries that were hit by the COVID-19 pandemic most.

For example, if you’re a fashion brand offering only a lookbook and selling through brick and mortar retailers, you may have suffered tremendous losses during quarantine restrictions. We work with a client who faced a similar fate and reduced our workload to optimize costs, so that was a loss for us, even though temporary.

On the bright side, we have Kooky, a startup whose concept perfectly matches the post-pandemic world, people’s new habits and needs. As a result, our team has only grown and we’re busy more than ever.

3. Please describe the operational structure of your company- from the moment a client walks in, to the product deployment.

We advocate for transparency and trust when it comes to building rapport with clients. Therefore, we’ve strived to simplify our workflows and make them as efficient as possible. At the end of the day, no one wants to waste their time.

So here is how it goes:

  • Discovery Call with Redwerk Sales Representative. At this moment, we ask a series of questions to understand the prospect’s needs and match them with our expertise and capabilities. We also inform the client about the services we provide, team availability, and our engagement model. If, for some reason, we’re not able to help, we inform the client right away. We always sign an NDA for the prospect to be able to talk freely and feel safe.
  • Requirements Clarification. It takes about 3 to 5 business days to estimate the project scope and prepare a rough proposal. Before that, we’ll also arrange a second call with a PM/BA clarifying the requirements and managing client expectations. Having understood their immediate and long-term needs, we start putting together a delivery team accountable for the project’s success. We’ll also calculate how much it costs to sustain this high-performance team per month and reflect that in our offer.
  • Master Service Agreement. If both of us are on the same page, we’ll proceed with signing a master service agreement and on-boarding the assigned tech experts.
  • Project Planning & Communication. We want to deliver value from day one, so PMs at Redwerk will take all the managerial burden on their shoulders by prioritizing tasks, assigning them to the right people, and setting up communication channels based on the client’s preference.
  • First Tangible Results. In a month, our clients clearly understand what deliverables we have shipped and how fast we’re progressing. We’ll send a succinct report, outlining our wins, possible risks (if any) and our solutions to eliminate them, as well as suggestions on how to enhance a certain functionality.

One of our distinctive qualities is working with non-technical clients and helping them translate their domain expertise into quality software that will secure their position as the industry leader. One such example is cooperation with KB&G, who delegated all the development effort to us, trusting our engineering choices and working on the growth strategies for their business in the meantime.

4. What engagement models do you offer? How should a client choose?

Software development is a complex process, and for all the pieces to come together in a puzzle, the right business model is a must. Having operated in the software development market for over 16 years, we’ve come to a conclusion that value-based pricing is a win-win approach for agencies and their clients. Here is why.

The value-based model allows focusing on driving value rather than calculating person-hours spent. It provides the maximum extent of flexibility when it comes to the project scope and budget.

While project estimates, often used as the major price determinant in Time & Material, are helpful in project planning, they are never 100% accurate. This means any unexpected changes will ensue additional costs. And software development is the industry where the status quo can change overnight and immediate response is required.

What the valued-based model does differently is that it covers all of the mentioned risks partially or in full, depending on the chosen pricing plan. In this case, clients know the agency has their back in the moment of crisis, and they won’t need to spend a fortune on that.

The value-based model is also perfect for long-term engagements where the agency ICT professionals become part of the client’s internal team, actively contributing to product discussions, suggesting new features, and sharing the same level of commitment as in-house developers.

5. What do you as a leader prioritize: – the vertical expansion of your business or the horizontal expansion of your expertise and services? How do you balance both?

We do both. The nature of an IT services agency presupposes catering to diverse client needs across industries. The export of Ukrainian IT services is growing exponentially, reaching a whopping $5 billion in 2020, so the only way to beat the competition this high is to increase your expertise vertically and horizontally.

At the dawn of our operations, we delivered a couple of successful e-government solutions, and that’s how our first major vertical was established. For example, we built YouTown, a platform connecting local governments with their citizens, recognized by the White House, and a decision-making automation solution for councils in the Netherlands and Belgium, used by 50% of clerks in these countries.

With more projects coming, we’ve significantly grown our vertical market, and now we serve businesses from Media & Entertainment, E-Commerce, E-Learning, FinTech, Healthcare, and Game Dev industries.

As for horizontal expansion, we also did a solid chunk of work here. We know that hiring multiple vendors to complete a single project is not a cost-effective or time-efficient approach. Therefore, our Redwerk team has experts in blockchain, DevOps, UI/UX design, PM/BA, marketing, and SEO, which allows us to take over the entire project and build software from the ground up.

Another crucial factor to keep in mind is that software development is impossible without comprehensive and professional testing. Since we always test the solutions we deliver, we’ve accumulated enough knowledge and hands-on experience to tap into a new market. That’s how QAwerk, an independent software testing and QA agency, was born.

6. What is your outlook for 2021?

I feel pretty positive about 2021: the pandemic has uncovered an array of issues that require new solutions. What has worked in the pre-pandemic times may no longer be relevant. So we’re thrilled at the thought of helping newly emerged startups develop their products and successfully take them to market.

Another milestone we’d love to achieve is growing our team to 100 ICT professionals by the end of 2021. Again, the pandemic has created a lot of uncertainty in the job market, with hasty downsizing happening at the very start of the outbreak. We, on the other hand, used that opportunity to hire new talent to implement our business growth strategies and be able to serve more clients.

Redwerk’s clients come from multiple geographies – from North America and Europe to Australia and New Zealand. Therefore, we’d like QAwerk to grow its market share to new destinations too.

7. Any particular technology or industry you would be targeting? How do you plan to prepare your workforce for the upcoming technology upgrade?

Even though we are a one-stop-shop kind of agency, capable of supporting clients at any stage of the SDLC, I’m always on the lookout for new opportunities and promising technologies.

As for Redwerk, we hope to secure new partnerships with open source sponsors who choose to contribute to open source through a tech agency. There are multiple reasons and benefits as to why someone would want an intermediary and an advisor while working with open core development teams. Here we explain why.

Another technology in high demand is blockchain. We’re currently working on a couple of projects using blockchain, and we’ll keep investing in enhancing our expertise in this domain.

QAwerk, on the other hand, is progressing quite well too. Our primary areas of focus now are test automation and penetration testing. A living example of how businesses can leverage test automation is Evolv, an AI-driven digital growth optimization platform based in the US. With our help, they managed to increase their regression testing speed by 50%, which fully justifies the initial investment.

Speaking of penetration testing, we provide it for some of our existing clients; however, we’d also like to expand our client base to new businesses globally.

The way we prepare for tapping into a new niche is pretty straightforward: we hire only seasoned specialists who have years of hands-on experience under the belt relevant to our prospects’ needs. It all starts with the right people in the team. We also do a bunch of internal knowledge sharing and reconsider our workflows with new hires joining Redwerk and QAwerk.

8. With technologies like React and Node that can be used for both web applications and mobile apps, how do you envision the development methodology to be in the future?

When choosing the right tech stack, it’s crucial to consider the business needs, what issues the product solves, and what consumers it targets, among other factors. Of course, React and Node are now top technologies for cross-platform development, and we understand why.

Cross-platform apps are faster and cheaper to build, and you can easily update both iOS and Android versions simultaneously. The drawbacks, though – slower speed, limited functionality, template-like UI – are also apparent.

At the moment, we still advocate for native development as it’s more secure and scalable and overall more beneficial in the long term.

However, with the rapid development of web technologies we observe now, it’s “never say never”; things can change, so our stance on that matter.

9. Other than technical expertise, what traits you believe are essential for any app development firm to succeed in this rapidly evolving industry?

It takes a couple of things. First off, have a look at your leadership approach and re-evaluate your organizational structure.

As a founder or CEO, you need to find a way to translate your work ethic, your passion, and high commitment to your employees. You certainly don’t want to be that unapproachable boss whom employees only fear and try to appease. Despite your mad-busy schedule, stay involved, talk to your employees, observe their progress, share your expertise, and show that you trust them.

At Redwerk, we’ve managed to achieve all of the above with one decision – we chose the horizontal management style to encourage free idea sharing and create an environment where every employee knows their opinion matters.

Another game-changer for me was becoming an advocate for my team. As a service agency, we are customer-centered, going above and beyond to make our clients happy. The biggest mistake you can make here is forgetting about the well-being of people making it possible.

Don’t let a toxic client take advantage of your good-natured people and set clear boundaries to prevent overtimes and eventual burnout. Work-life balance is no joke; that’s why we made it a priority and an integral part of our corporate culture.

Lastly, invest in some quality education. Let your teammates learn together with you, enable access to high-end courses, and turn theory into action.

10. How do you assess the role of research agencies like ITFirms in bridging the gap between clients and service providers?

Well, it cannot be underestimated. Research agencies like ITFirms have served for years as a link between clients and service providers, and they are still in demand more than ever.

As a service company, you want more visibility for your brand, you want to share your story, and even more, something a prospect won’t notice from browsing your website.

It’s always good to know who stands behind the IT services agency and what their morals & values are. Research agencies like ITFirms help to get to know the leaders, albeit virtually.

Moreover, it’s easier to trust a software development agency whose expertise is recognized by third parties. It provides the reassurance and social proof the prospect seeks online.

Redwerk  Redwerk

The post Interview with Konstantin Klyagin – Founder, Redwerk appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

Interview With Sanjay Singh Rajpurohit – CEO & Founder, Technource Mon, 21 Jun 2021 10:15:07 +0000 Here is the exclusive interview of Sanjay Singh Rajpurohit – CEO & Founder, Technource only on ITFirms. In this exclusive interview, he shared his insights on upcoming technology trends for 2021 and many more things. Let’s check his success story and thoughts. 1. Tell us in brief about your company and the leadership. We are […]

The post Interview With Sanjay Singh Rajpurohit – CEO & Founder, Technource appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

Here is the exclusive interview of Sanjay Singh Rajpurohit – CEO & Founder, Technource only on ITFirms. In this exclusive interview, he shared his insights on upcoming technology trends for 2021 and many more things.

Let’s check his success story and thoughts.

1. Tell us in brief about your company and the leadership.

We are currently in the 9th year of serving the IT service industry. Our company Technource has a lot to offer when it comes to web and mobile app development. Ever since our inception, it has been our solemn pledge to treat each inquiry in a confidential and professional manner.

We have a team that is a pool of talented individuals who master all industrial portfolios such ranging from web development, mobile app development for iOS, Android, and hybrid techs, to Industry 4.0 techs. We have managed to create a harmonious rapport with our clients as well as colleagues over the years.

We started off small but today with our perseverance we have cultivated our expertise in developing on-demand web and mobile apps. We strongly believe in the quote “A leader is someone who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way”. Adhering to the same our company likes to share opportunities with individuals that help them cultivate leaders within themselves.

2. How would you describe your growth trajectory in 2020? Any particular achievement? Any disappointment?

2020 presented us with a huge set of challenges in the form of the pandemic. We complied with all government rules from the start and strictly adhered to the “employ first” policy. We believe that our company is on a constant learning curve and to make the best of the cards we’re dealt with. Hence, we implemented new systems to fill the communication gaps that can hinder our progress and workflow.

You would be happy to know that it was the year 2020 that helped us spread our wings to Australia and Dubai. We also explored one of the Industry 4.0 techs i.e. Machine Learning. We can also proudly announce that for the first time Technource was a part of the Gitex event that was held in Dubai last year. A huge opportunity for us to explore new upgrades introduced by tech enthusiasts all over the world and showcase our expertise to clients that are a part of the event.

Apart from this, we started refining our old content and started writing other interesting industry-related content by hiring an in-house content specialist. Our aim with the same is to educate our clients with the latest tech and updates that surround the IT service industry.

3. Please describe the operational structure of your company- from the moment a client walks in, to the product deployment.

The foremost thing that our company offers to our clients as they share their business idea is 100% IP protection and NDA since 2012. Our core mantra that is applicable to all our clients is ‘Quality’. Our religious belief lies in the saying “Quality is not an act; it is a habit”. Hence, we try to inculcate the same not only in every day’s work but in every minute’s work.

As a client gets in touch with us we first sit with our project managers and senior developers to understand the idea completely. Our next is to break down the business idea into various subtasks and brainstorm solutions for the same. Our primary aim is to run our imaginations to a point from where we can best pursue our client’s perspectives and design software solutions that cater best to them.

Then comes the research and development phase. In this phase, we narrow down our target audience and map their expectations. Along we this we also try to validate the business idea from our experts and suggest the client opt for an MVP if our experts feel that our client has a budget constraint and the idea is a bit too experimental.

But we like to respect our client’s choice at the end. As we don’t have a customer trainee department, we function as a whole company. From our CEO to our interns or trainees, everyone works for the same boss i.e customers.

Our planning for a fully-fledged project starts from determining:

  • How the app will be used?
  • What our competitors are offering and what the consumer expects?
  • Offering a quotation keeping the client’s budget in mind.
  • A tentative timeline on how the project will be completed.
  • Business models and marketing techniques will be followed once the app is launched.

In addition to this, you must know that we follow the Agile-Scrum methodology that helps us maintain complete transparency in the app development process. It allows all our clients to intervene and share their thoughts on any changes they wish to inculcate.

4. What engagement models do you offer? How should a client choose?

The engagement models we offer are dependent on time, project, client requirements, and budget. We offer 3 types of engagement models for a client to choose from. Here’s a list of the same:

Dedicated Resources:

This engagement model has 3 sub-types for a client to choose from. They are as follows.

Hourly Based:

A model that is best suitable for short-term projects. Choosing this developer would work on your project for 5 days/week for a maximum of 8 hours a day. The communication related to the same would be done using Skype, Email, or via Phone. The price for the same is calculated on an hourly basis.

Weekly Based:

This development model is best suitable for short/mid-term projects. The model follows the preceding standards but is managed by a dedicated project manager and a developer who will exclusively work on your project.

Monthly Based:

This engagement model is best suitable for long-term projects. Including the preceding benefits of the above models, your project will be monitored personally by a dedicated account manager. The cost of this project is carried out on a monthly basis due to the length of the project.

Fixed Budget Project:

One can also opt for this model if they have a short/mid-term project. You will receive a fixed-price quotation for this project. Clients can make payments when the project reaches certain milestones. If your project has a well-defined scope and you want the same delivered on a fixed timeline, this model suits you best.

Time & Material Model:

If a client has an undefined scope and wants to embrace change while creating the project, then they can choose this model. Choosing the same a client can buy say 160 or 80 development hours as per the hourly rate and a team of developers can work on the same until the purchased hours get exhausted.A model that is best suitable for MVPs.

5. What do you as a leader prioritize: – the vertical expansion of your business or the horizontal expansion of your expertise and services? How do you balance both?

We believe that the IT world is an ever-changing one and this keeps on a constant learning curve. When we start working on a new project our sole aim is to deliver what our client demands making use of our existing skills and inculcating new ones wherever needed. And it has been our experience that whenever we’ve focused on customer satisfaction and knowledge enhancement it has given our business a boost in terms of revenue and recognition.

6. What is your outlook for 2021?

Our target for 2021 is enhancing our expertise in the subjects we excel at and replicating success. We also look forward to identifying the areas where we need to improve and find feasible ways to achieve the same.

7. Any particular technology or industry you would be targeting? How do you plan to prepare your workforce for the upcoming technology upgrade?

We have offered our services to numerous niches, but observing the current trends and our expertise, we will focus on on-demand mobile app development. We will look forward to opportunities to work with native and cross-platform mobile and web techs. In addition to this, we would cherish every opportunity we get to work with Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR), Block chain Technology, and Data Analytics.One of our prominent projects that ranks among the top firms in the US makes efficient use of AR.

8. With technologies like Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) that can be used for both web applications and mobile apps, how do you envision the development methodology to be in the future?

We plan to develop apps such as rapid PWAs and CMS, instant integrations, instant localizations, and other scalable technologies. Using the preceding we can build proficient app development platforms. Adapting to cross-platform techs will reduce our app development time and offer faster time to market.

9. Other than technical expertise, what traits you believe are essential for any app development firm to succeed in this rapidly evolving industry?

Achieving success in any business industry is a by-product of the sincerity and hard work on exercises on any project they’re working on. All our efforts are always targeted towards achieving maximum client satisfaction. In order to achieve the same, we’re always working on refining our existing processes. This includes working on things like optimizing resources and time, meeting deadlines, improving client communication, offering necessary assistance until a client is completely satisfied by our service, and more.

10. How do you assess the role of research agencies like ITFirms in bridging the gap between clients and service providers?

Agencies like ITFirms have made it very simple for clients to reach the right business without many hassle. Here, not just the clients gets the advantage, but even the companies like ours also gets to eat the fruit.

Research agencies such as ITFirms work as a bridge between service providers and service seekers. They select authentic and reputable service providers that meet strict criteria and add value to a consumer’s life. We are forever grateful for such services and how they help us reach our desired client base.

Technource  Technource

The post Interview With Sanjay Singh Rajpurohit – CEO & Founder, Technource appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

Interview With Sanjay Ghinaiya – CEO & Founder, World Web Technology Tue, 01 Jun 2021 14:06:27 +0000 Here is the exclusive interview of Sanjay Ghinaiya – CEO & Founder, World Web Technology only on ITFirms. In this exclusive interview, he shared his insights on upcoming technology trends for 2021 and many more things. Let’s check his success story and thoughts. 1. Tell us in brief about your company and the leadership. World […]

The post Interview With Sanjay Ghinaiya – CEO & Founder, World Web Technology appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

Here is the exclusive interview of Sanjay Ghinaiya – CEO & Founder, World Web Technology only on ITFirms. In this exclusive interview, he shared his insights on upcoming technology trends for 2021 and many more things.

Let’s check his success story and thoughts.

1. Tell us in brief about your company and the leadership.

World Web Technology is a preeminent and end to end IT solutions provider based in India & US. We are known for our glorious journey, proven track record and happy clientele in the area of Web/Mobile App development with a diversified tech stack (WordPress, PHP & JS frameworks, AI, IOT, Machine Learning, Blockchain, Big data, etc.) A company delivering to the needs of brands, enterprises, and start-ups in transforming their raw ideas into real world solutions.

The advent of the internet had opened doors to millions of new opportunities. With such high competition, one needs to make an outstanding online presence for their business. And that’s how World Web Technology was born with a sole intention to deliver the best quality of services to the global market.

2. How would you describe your growth trajectory in 2020? Any particular achievement? Any disappointment?

We have always given importance to individual growth and organizational growth over simply competing in the business world. This approach has always helped us achieve consistent growth and deliver some great results to our clients.

We’ve been experiencing an exponential growth over the last few years, and this year was no exception. Our efforts have resulted in 2X in Revenues and Profit generation.

Within a span of 10 years, World Web Technology has become one of the top choice for Enterprise Level WordPress development projects all around the world. And that’s something, on which gives me an immense level of satisfaction.

Some of our recent achievements:

  • Clutch recognized WWT as India’s Top Web Development Firm for 2021.
  • WWT was named as an industry leader on SuperbCompanies.
  • WWT was recognized by Techreviewer as Top WordPress Development Company.

Also, after working with several Start-ups & Enterprise level clients, we have a client retention ratio of almost 80%, which I believe needs to be taken pride of in this competitive market.

3. Please describe the operational structure of your company- from the moment a client walks in, to the product deployment.

We at World Web Technology follows a fully agile process in delivering a complete tested & bug free Web/Mobile Apps to our clients.

We divide the entire project into various milestones, where each individual milestone is further divided into several small weekly sprints. So in this way, even if there is some delay of from our side in development part, we make sure to cover that by the end of the week in order to deliver the weekly sprint on time. This way the entire process remains smooth, and the project stays on the track as planned.

4. What engagement models do you offer? How should a client choose?

We at World Web Technology have various different pricing models depending upon the client’s needs.

  • Fixed Price Model
  • Hourly Model
  • Monthly Dedicated Model

If a client has a definite set of requirements, and he is clear with the entire features/functionalities he/she want in their Web/Mobile App, then the fixed price model is the best way to move ahead.

On the other hand, if a client is not clear with the overall requirement, then we suggest them to go with an hourly model where we can brainstorm various different ideas, implement few things, and keep on working towards the final results. The monthly dedicated model is best suitable for those clients, when determining the full requirements and features to be included at an initial stage is tough. At that time clients requires the freedom to utilize the dedicated resource as per their requirements. Here, we fix a monthly price for that dedicated resource, who works for the client, and deliver work progress reports and raise invoices on a regular monthly basis.

5. What do you as a leader prioritize: – the vertical expansion of your business or the horizontal expansion of your expertise and services? How do you balance both?

As a leader, I always try to keep balance in between both of these, as we understand horizontal or vertical growth individually could never be sustained.

However, I personally believe that Horizontal expansion in terms of expertise & improving the quality of your services always have an upper hand, as it sets the tone for the process, and a well-defined process leads to a vertical expansion eventually.

6. What is your outlook for 2021?

Client’s growth along with new markets & service expansion will be the main focus moving forward.

The year 2021 has begun with lots of positive news for us. With the teams performing incredibly well, and with many interesting projects in our pipeline at the moment, we feel amazing and all charged up for the upcoming future.

7. Any particular technology or industry you would be targeting? How do you plan to prepare your workforce for the upcoming technology upgrade?

The Hybrid Mobile App technology, along with AI, IOT, Machine Learning, Block-chain, etc. is something we would be targeting, and within the Ecommerce market segment, as we sense a huge potential for the profitable business here.

We know if we don’t keep ourselves updated with the fast paced technological advancements, we can easily be thrown away from our business.

Having worked in this industry for over a decade now, we have made it a regular practice to have a weekly knowledge sharing sessions on the latest technology trends & implement that in our company.

This way all the employees stay fully updated on the recent trends, and prepare themselves for their upcoming future.

8. With technologies like React and Node that can be used for both web applications and mobile apps, how do you envision the development methodology to be in the future?

I don’t think with an advancement in the technology, the development methodology is going to be affected or changed. The development methodology is just a set of well-defined process, which eventually leads to a successful execution of the project.

These 5 factors will always going to be the key for success:

  • Crystal clear understanding of client’s goals.
  • A well-defined development practice.
  • Daily updates/Progress reports
  • Weekly Demos
  • Client’s Feedback

9. Other than technical expertise, what traits you believe are essential for any app development firm to succeed in this rapidly evolving industry?

The future is about innovation and improvisation. We got to include these two in our approach to app development in order to present the world with an astounding mobile experiences.

Over the years, we have witnessed a huge transformation in which the mobile technology has gone through and believe me “The best is yet to come”.

10. How do you assess the role of research agencies like ITFirms in bridging the gap between clients and service providers?

Agencies like ITFirms have made it very simple for clients to reach the right business without many hassle. Here, not just the clients gets the advantage, but even the companies like ours also gets to eat the fruit.

The valuable market insights to help clients & guide the business decisions are often limited and much disorganized. With several thousand agencies worldwide, choosing the right one is pretty much crucial and difficult at the same time.

World Web Technology feels great to partner with such agencies that are taking the clients in the right direction.

World Web Technology  World Web Technology

The post Interview With Sanjay Ghinaiya – CEO & Founder, World Web Technology appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

Interview with Hemendra Singh – Co-Founder, The NineHertz Wed, 26 May 2021 14:13:37 +0000 Here is the exclusive interview of Hemendra Singh – Co-Founder, The NineHertz only on ITFirms. In this exclusive interview, he shared his insights on upcoming technology trends for 2021 and many more things. Let’s check his success story and thoughts. 1. Tell us in brief about your company and the leadership. The NineHertz is a […]

The post Interview with Hemendra Singh – Co-Founder, The NineHertz appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.

Here is the exclusive interview of Hemendra Singh – Co-Founder, The NineHertz only on ITFirms. In this exclusive interview, he shared his insights on upcoming technology trends for 2021 and many more things.

Let’s check his success story and thoughts.

1. Tell us in brief about your company and the leadership.

The NineHertz is a reputed name in the web and mobile app development sector globally as the company believes in serving best-in-class, cost-effective solutions with advanced technologies. Thanks to our team of highly talented, skilled and experienced professionals, we can turn any of our clients’ ideas into reality. Also, their dedication towards community and emerging technologies keep them proactive to learn something new and of the next level.

The NineHertz has been serving the IT sector for more than 12 years in 20+ countries like the USA, UK, Australia, Dubai, and others. We have completed 1789+ projects and successfully delivered to 450+ clients worldwide, credit goes to our 575+ dedicated professionals under a roof.

We will continue to serve our distinct development services including React Native development, AngularJS development, Android app development, iOS app development, Unity game development, etc. to different industry verticals with similar dedication in the future.

2. How would you describe your growth trajectory in 2020? Any particular achievement? Any disappointment?

In 2020, when the world was facing the fatal COVID-19 outbreak, me and my team members were busy working on particular tasks from the comfort of the home. We were constantly in touch with our clients and fulfilling even their minute requirements. If I talk about the growth trajectory, not only our revenue increased but also the team expanded during this pandemic. Our great achievement was that we came out stronger and became a reliable brand for serving our duties up to the mark working remotely. We don’t say this, these are the feedback from our customers and representatives.

3. Please describe the operational structure of your company- from the moment a client walks in, to the product deployment.

From the moment a potential client walks in via any mode of communication (phone, email or Skype). Our team begins the process that follows the mentioned below methodology to bring the client’s dream idea into reality.

Ideation: First of all, ideation takes place wherein it is checked that the idea is realistic or has the potential to resolve users’ issues and mark its presence in the market. To perform this step, we adopt several measures including market research, estimation for achieving definite objectives within a set timeframe and study competitors as well.

Designing: Once we get to know about the features, budget, target audience and timeline to build the app, our team of creative UI/UX designers started working on the visualization and conceptualization of the app’s functionality and its UI.

Development: Thereafter, our developers take over the process and start writing code for application following an agile development methodology. Since we ensure that the developing application doesn’t get heavier and increase loading time as it results in users’ irritations and leads to uninstallation from the devices.

Testing: Once the development has been done, testing is the vital step to follow before launching any application on the Play Store/App Store. To ensure the deployment of a bug-free application, we perform rigorous testing at different stages including multiple sets of testing like functional testing, performance testing, device-specific testing, usability testing and more.

Launch: Eventually, the process reached the most-awaited phase for every seeker looking for an enterprise solution; the launch of the application. However, several factors are considered before the launch of the application in the marketplace.

Post-Launch: The process does not end here because we ensure that your application becomes a hit in the market. Therefore, Post-Launch is there to monitor the app performance, user insights, reviews and response to update the app timely and accordingly.

4. What engagement models do you offer? How should a client choose?

At The NineHertz, we offer four types of engagement models to our clientele. They can adopt any of the stated below models depending upon their need to use our developers in their projects. The working hours may vary from one engagement model to another. While the provision of monthly billing is identical for each model. Let’s have a look.

Full-Time Hiring: This engagement model enables clients to utilize hired developers for 8 hours/day, 5days/week and these developers work only for the dedicated clients.

Part-Time Hiring: it is beneficial when businesses prefer hired dedicated developers as the better half of their business. In this engagement model, applicable working hours are 4hours/day, 5days/week.

Hourly Hiring: When clients need to focus on the work for limited hours of the day. They can choose hourly hiring as the service is available 5 days/week.

Contractual Hiring: This engagement model is completely based on your terms. You are free to take work from hired developers whenever you need it. Offered working hours: 8hours/day, 5days/Week.

5. What do you as a leader prioritize: – the vertical expansion of your business or the horizontal expansion of your expertise and services? How do you balance both?

As a leader, I do not focus on a single aspect as in my opinion it can’t help us become a market leader. Therefore, I always prefer to maintain a balance between both vertical expansion of business and horizontal expansion of expertise and services.

Our focus on the former made The NineHertz a global entity for delivering development services to more than 20 countries including the USA, UK, Australia, Dubai and others, over a decade. While the latter makes us a reliable companion with a workforce having expertise in ongoing technologies and all set for the emerging ones in the near future. Also, it boosts professionals’ career and makes them an asset for the company with hands-on experience on the updated systems and new technologies.

Therefore, maintaining a balance between both- the vertical expansion of business and horizontal expansion of our expertise and services pave our way to success and growth.

6. What is your outlook for 2021?

As we know, the year 2020 was tough for each and everyone but thanks to our management team we managed to convey our services throughout the year working from the comfort of our home. Not only did we increase in terms of the team but also witnessed a hike in revenue. Now when everything is back to normal, obviously our goals, possibilities and strategies accordingly have changed and we are looking to expand clientele, projects, services, team and revenue as well. The NineHertz is stepping ahead full of energy, enthusiasm and a positive attitude in the year 2021.

7. Any particular technology or industry you would be targeting? How do you plan to prepare your workforce for the upcoming technology upgrade?

The NineHertz is an IT consulting firm that offers a variety of web and app development solutions for different industry verticals. Therefore, I am not focusing on any particular technology and industry.

As a leader, I believe in going with the latest trends and technologies that are ever-evolving. Our workforce is highly talented, skilled and experienced, they keep on upgrading themselves with the latest trends and updates in technology. That’s how we fulfil the distinct and specific requirements of our clients.

As of now, the technologies or platforms which are highly preferable and in demand are React Native Development, AngularJS Development, Cross-Platform Development, Android App Development, iOS App Development, Unity Game Development, etc. and one of our major focuses.

8. With technologies like Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) that can be used for both web applications and mobile apps, how do you envision the development methodology to be in the future?

Emerging technologies like Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are the future of the IT industry. The implementation of these cutting edge technologies in web and mobile app development will not only simplify the development methodology but also enforce the development of smart customer-centric mobile and web apps. The applications are enriched with enhanced user experience, effective search results, visual and auto-recognition, improved security and other vital features/functionalities to improve user experience to the next level.

9. Other than technical expertise, what traits you believe are essential for any app development firm to succeed in this rapidly evolving industry?

Keeping our clients and employees happy/satisfied is one of the essentials for any app development company to succeed in this ever-evolving industry. Therefore, we, at The NineHertz, try to convey 100% satisfaction to our employees and clients. If our employees are happy with their professional and personal growth working here, they will try their level best to deliver the best-in-class web and mobile app solutions within the given timeline. This is what every client seeks from its app development partner and makes them happy and satisfied.

10. How do you assess the role of research agencies like ITFirms in bridging the gap between clients and service providers?

In my opinion, the research agencies like ITFirms are playing a vital role in bridging the gap between clients and service providers. Nowadays, the competition is at its peak in the market and those offering services at cheaper rates dominate the market. On the other hand, the agencies like ITFirms are assessing client’s requirements to the core and assigning them the best possible service providers to complete their projects.

The NineHertz  The NineHertz

The post Interview with Hemendra Singh – Co-Founder, The NineHertz appeared first on Top ITFirms - Result of In-depth Research & Analysis.
